Leadership for the 21st Century.


As humanity, we stand at a powerful threshold.

Your life and our shared society is not something that is given;
it is created.

What world will you create?


The challenges facing our world today are more complex than ever before in human history. 

Yet, despite the gravity of the present challenges, a more beautiful world is possible.

Are you willing to do what it takes to be the source of change in your community, family, organization and in the world?

It’s a tall order to lead with grace during this time of the Great Turning— and this is the dojo your soul signed up for. You chose to be here at this time. And you are not here to suffer. You’re here to learn, to wake up, to remember why you’re here and just how good it is to be alive!

It’s time to train your mind-body-spirit like an Olympian athlete trains.

You won’t be satisfied unless you keep evolving into the next best version of yourself and lead you or your organization to its fullest purpose and potential. It’s not the time to be complacent or go about ‘business-as-usual.’ You are here to be an agent of change, therefore it is not a luxury to develop yourself or convene in meaningful, transformative ways with your community — it is your responsibility.

To create and role model the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible —
we have a lot of work to do on ourselves and in our most intimate circles.

The confronting reality is that as many of us awaken to our purpose and deeper levels of intimacy, it seems there is an equal amount of intense darkness and separation in the world. And as we take an honest look inside our own lives and companies, we become ever more aware of where are we not living in congruence with the world we want to create. The “darkness” we see in the world, actually lives inside of us.
It’s one thing to have values, it’s another to live and embody them. There’s a bunch of pesky trauma and generations of ingrained ‘ways of being’ to work out—personally and interpersonally.

The truth is, you’ve likely only touched the surface of personal or organizational potential. Perhaps you even feel overwhelmed; a loss of peace, pleasure or power in the face of our current state of the world or personal life situations.

Personal potential is about increasing your capacity to do and be with more, maintaining your peace no matter the circumstancses, being the creator rather than victim in your life and thriving in all ways.

Organizational capacity is about leveraging the collective intelligence of a group and creating an environment where audacious projects that transform the current systems are supported.

Hi! I’m Charlene and I work with individuals and groups to realize their purpose and potential; rooted in integrity, vitality, intimacy and grace.

I stand for a thriving, liberated, connected world that works for all.

It all starts with you. 

If you’re someone who wants to show the world just how good it can be, and you’d love support in your awakening journey, you can schedule a call with me now to explore what’s possible in partnership!
Schedule a call here to receive support on your awakening path.

Never forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world.

In fact,
it is always because of one person
that all the changes that matter in the world come about.
So be that one person.

― R. Buckminster Fuller


A Compelling Call to Action to Lead with Grace and
Create Thriving Ecologies of Abundance —
on a personal and collective level.

1:1 Coaching & Personal Retreats for Leaders on the Evolutionary Edge

We’re always living in a gap — between where we are, and where we want to be. It’s the nature of being someone committed to living a BIG life.
An extraordinary life.
There comes moments when we are either fed up with our current reality, or just really INSPIRED to leap into the next iteration of what’s possible for our lives. If you’re inspired to close that gap and get to your next level, and to do it with way more ease and power than if you didn’t have a personal advisor on your side— then this work is for you.
Schedule a call to explore here!
Or email: hello@charleneparker.com


Transformational Group Facilitation 

“Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos can shift the whole system to a higher order.” - Barbara Marx Hubbard

Immersions for Partners (in business or in love) and Small Teams

Get in alignment with each other and move from discord to harmonic teamwork.


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Organizational Consulting: Experience Design, Collaboration, Community & Culture  

Design teams that thrive.

Let’s work together to create something beautiful.